Inspired Movement

January 27, 2009

Wow, almost 2 weeks into 2009 are you moving forward? Life happened to many in a negative way during the past year, we can not change what has happened however, we can choose to embrace the new and move in positive ways. Many times this action requires you to tell your mind you are moving then do it. What needs to be understood in this volatile time in your life is a choice must be made to either embrace the new or dwell in the past. Worry, fear and all of the other emotions are very real; you just have to choose to move through them not allowing them to paralyze you.

Our natural nature is to focus on all the negative and fuel the worry. Here is my question to you; can you fix what you are worrying about? If the answer is no then move on, do not waste your precious creative energy on something you can do nothing about. Instead save that energy to move you through the things you can change. You will be amazed at the end result, you will feel better about you, more empowered and willing to move into that amazing you that is inside waiting to come to the surface.

We each have a choice to make as we move into the next week of 2009, how do you want to embrace it? I see it as if we have to be present in that moment let's make it inspired and positive moving forward with empowered action. Of course, there are those that say phooey let's just sit and wallow in our past, we were hurt, attacked, and lost so much...

Which response brings you more power? It is time to make the choice to embrace inspired movement and do something with our life. We went to see Yes Man last night and what a true statement the movie made. So many of us sit by and allow life to fly past us happening around us and yet we do nothing. Jim Carey realized after a crazy "rah, rah" meeting that he needed to say yes to life, of course it had its twists however in the end saying yes to life was a powerfully positive decision he made.

Are you ready to say Yes?

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