Key Drivers of Success

February 10, 2009

Warning! Unless, you are still in the rat race of life, this piece is not for you. And you should therefore, not bother to read it. In other words, it is not a piece for those already in the upwardly mobile class nor sophisticated executive let alone, the successful politician. No! They already know more than enough of the demands of success; and for sure, I am not about to start carrying coal to new castle.

This is about us and for us. I mean the jobless, the gainfully and not so gainfully employed, the self employed and the ambitious. It also includes some of the religious leaders. Just anyone who believes he is not yet where you ought to be––the upper strata.

Success is a product of three interwoven factors. And of which the absence of one or more, in the activities and striving of any individual or group, results in failure with the attendant frustration, Disenchantment, disillusionment and some times, neurasthenic outburst against the nearest person(s) and other like manifestations. And these success drivers include the right plan, the right people and the right place.

The right Plan is the foundation of any worthwhile human endeavour. Simply put, it is, the skeleton without which, neither flesh or life can be manifested. And consequently, the most complex task towards the achievement of any objective. For this reason, it is not a tea party to the brilliant and deliberate and without meaning to and not even knowing it, a “no go area” for the less brilliant.

Many people go through life not really knowing what to plan for or against; and even when they have been guided into identifying a worthy enterprise, still do not know where or how to start turning such identified goal(s) into reality.

But the truth is that unless you want to wander aimlessly in the wilderness of life never arriving; then you must plan. If you find it difficult identifying what to focus on, I advice you engage your fantasies. Yes. I mean just that! Fantasy only becomes bad when you never snap out of it otherwise, properly canalised; it can set you among the class of visionaries.

Know this, it is your dreams that you speedily achieve in fantasy and if can stop and ask yourself how that can also be achieved in the real world, you will somehow, develop an action plan towards doing just that. For instance, if you fantasize about your addressing a large congregation as a public speaker, it would do no harm to rather than continue, stop the fantasy and start enquiring about how to become one and immediately, setting in motion, the task of implementing your findings starting with small groups. You certainly must perform woefully at the initial stage but declare in your heart that you are a speaker and before long, you will become one. Remember, what you declare is what you are.

The right people: We cannot all always be leaders in our society or association but one area where we can and should be leaders and remain so till the end of our life, is in the area of picking those who we allow to influence our thought and consequently, our life. Input will always determine the output. A former Nigerian leader once stated in an interview that he never considers cost where the attraction of the right kind of persons was concerned. If that is true for him, it should be the gospel for the rest of us. Know that while it might be true for unlike charges in metals to attract, in chemicals, it is totally different—they try to cancel out each. Attract unlike minded people only for those negatives—be sure they are negatives, which you wish to do away with

The people who you are to attract are not just those who are capable of debating your strategies but should include guinea pigs but, distribute your respect equally amongst all of them—for what they are adding and making you to subtract from your life. Remember, mother Theresa became a world acknowledged personality by identifying with those beneath her—the poor.

The right place: the concept of place before the current computer age use to be synonymous with physical presence in a location—like clubs, church society, social groups or travelling out the shores of ones country depending on the kind of people you are interested in--where there is a high probability of opportunity springing forth. Not anymore. Today, you can sit in the comfort of your home and meet more persons than you will ever need in a life time through social networks and more.

This is not in any way, discounting the effect of the physical environment and the make of our neighbours on our person and determination to achieve our dreams and conduct. I strongly believe that if you move some poor folks to VGC in Nigeria, they will turn for the better within years.

Mastering Your Mind Power: Stop Predicting How Your Desires Will Come

February 09, 2009

I have written at length about your self image and the many tricks it uses to keep you under its control. There is one other trick that I have not mentioned that will keep you from making changes in your life that will allow you to attract more of what you desire into your life.

Even though you may have decided to go after the dreams of your heart; even though you may have made a commitment to a process for change; even though you may have engaged in the practices of that process; and you may have even in successfully planting the seeds of your desires into your creative subconscious mind, your self image has one more card to put into play.

It is the natural tendency of your mind to think it has sufficient knowledge available to it for you to figure the best script for bringing you what you want. It thinks you can predict what sequence of steps should be taken to accomplish it. In other words, your self image will prompt you to dictate to the Universe how to bring about your desires.

Yield not to that temptation! Consider this. Your (conscious) mind on which you depend is limited to your experiences, which probably do not include any experiences in the area of your desires. If you had experiences in the area of your desires, you likely be now be enjoying a life filled with those desires.

The Universe, on the other hand, has access to not only all of the experiences you have had but all of the experiences that everyone who has ever lived and who live now have had. It has access to all laws in existence, both known and unknown. It has access to every particle of every substance, visible and invisible, that has ever been or that ever will be. It knows how to do anything and everything, for it has already created every thing that has been created.

The problem with attempting to predict a course of events to bring your desires into your experience is that you are in essence telling the Universe that you are changing the object of your focus, therefore, your are changing your goal to your act of predicting and the act of predicting produces nothing you desire.

After a while of seeing no visible evidence that your predicting is producing your desires, you gradually give up the attempt and slowly fall back into clutches of the old self image.

Keep your focused attention on the image of the end result that you desire, nothing else. Do your work. The HOW is the domain of the Universe. Let it do its work. Persist in your focusing. When your self image gets the message that you are determined to succeed, it will give way to your control. Your subconscious mind will accept unto itself that you really do desire your goal and by its own processes it will take your desire in as a desire seed. Once the subconscious accepts it, it MUST create your desires for you. It has no choice in the matter, and it delivers them to you in the most expeditious manner.

This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

The Million Dollar Goal

February 08, 2009

As a 34 year-old, mother of two, I had a goal of making major cash flow and most importantly I wanted to do this by finding ‘work from home’ techniques. My goal was initially to retire early and do nothing but watch my children grow but I learned quickly that I could get board just sitting at home watching my stacks of money. Well the stacks weren’t actually there, as of yet, but let me show you the guidelines I use to reach both goals. The actual goals to work at home and gain financial freedom were important to me but how I got there taught me a very importantly lesson. If I could teach my children or anyone else who cared to listen that changing your way of life is very difficult but if you succeed at achieving that goal you have accomplished much more for your self esteem. So take a look at the steps I used to achieve my goal. Use them as you will and make the needed change in your life.

First of all I walked into my purpose, of changing my wealth, just like I was learning math, a foreign language, or a sport. Practice, Practice, Practice! You might be asking, “How do you practice at being wealthy?”

Well, I was brought up knowing and practicing one way of managing money (which wasn’t working) so I had to learn a whole new world to change my behavior. Here are the six major steps I took in my journey to make change in my life:

  1. Immerse yourself in the subject. I turned to books and tapes on getting rich or ‘work from home’ web sites. I chose authors that I did not necessarily like to provoke change. Through this emission in financial data I did get a bit overloaded at times but consistency with the subject and a verity of different facts and opinions on the subject started to provoke change.
  2. Write down clear and concise goals. After hearing this statement many times I finally wrote something down and when I actually put the pen to the paper I didn’t create a master piece, I wrote a sentence that stated something like this, “I want to work from home and be financially free.” As time went on and I learned more about the subject I was able to define my goals a bit clearer.

  3. Share your goal(s). This one hurt me! I really contemplated the purpose of this step. This is how I rationalized it. I learned that those around me may belittle me for my goal… I feared that individuals would put me down for the fact that I wasn’t grateful enough for what I had. Then I looked at my confidence and realized I had what it takes to do anything. I have succeeded before but more often on the quite side! So I tweaked this step a bit. Knowing that my quiet confidence gets me through I decided to choose this route. I didn’t stand on a rock and declare to the world that I wanted to work from home and get filthy rich in doing so; I let it out a little at a time. As I told a few individuals I realized even if they don’t agree with me I didn’t take it personally. After a few mentions I had people asking me how they could do the same in their own lives.
  4. Ignore the negativity! Well this is why I am here sharing with you. The supportive people in your world and mine do not want to hear how we want to change. Even though they may mean well, they don’t want you to change your world! That would mean change in their world! Could it be jealousy, fear, or just the plain old fact that it is human nature to resist change even if it is possibly for the better? So try to branch out and attract those who are interested in your goal. You would truly think that my friends wouldn’t care if I wanted to work from home. But our friends and loved ones have opinions of their own. So if you attract those who are extremely opposed to your goals, assuming your goals are legal, who cares! Maybe you’ll learn from them… maybe you will change their focus… Does it really matter? What matters is, what YOU want to achieve! So my new motto became, “some will, some won’t, so who cares!”
  5. Sales?! I learned that everyone has to be good in sales. I saw the word ‘sales’ and shut down. Let me state this fact… I am good in sales and have succeeded in past at sales jobs then ran like crazy at the first opportunity to GET AWAY from sales. Now, I learn ‘sales’ is standing in the way of my goals. I questioned the phrase “work from home,” and felt I shouldn’t have to sell to anyone. I wasn’t happy but with all of my knowledge I was learning to gather the most information regarding my least favorite topics. I then realized I referred to sales a bit different… I didn’t need the competitive sales but only sell this idea to myself. After I was sold on my own ideas people will begin to follow. When I was certain where I was going I would find other leaders like myself. So I dove in head first to a couple different opportunities and absorbed as much training as possible. I chose health related opportunities because that was the largest interest of mine.
  6. Never Quit. This step is so important! I would forget about my goals, change my opinion, and lose sight of my goals. There are so many things to keep you busy in your current life to distract you from making change! But if you want change to happen you have to make it happen. Keep refereeing back to your written goals. Read. Change them. Whatever it is to keep your goal(s) at the forefront! You will get discouraged! You will get distracted! You will want to give up because change is difficult! But make your decision now and every day from here on out. What you have always done got you where you are today… If you want a different outcome in your life... you have to change your current actions and you can’t quit!

So ultimately I changed my life. I achieved my goal. I work from home and I make an excellent amount of money! Can you take the difficult step in changing your life? Can you lose the weight? Can you break a bad habit? I wish you luck in your venture and hope to hear what steps you took to ultimately achieve your goals and make change in your life.