Mastering Your Mind Power: Stop Predicting How Your Desires Will Come

February 09, 2009

I have written at length about your self image and the many tricks it uses to keep you under its control. There is one other trick that I have not mentioned that will keep you from making changes in your life that will allow you to attract more of what you desire into your life.

Even though you may have decided to go after the dreams of your heart; even though you may have made a commitment to a process for change; even though you may have engaged in the practices of that process; and you may have even in successfully planting the seeds of your desires into your creative subconscious mind, your self image has one more card to put into play.

It is the natural tendency of your mind to think it has sufficient knowledge available to it for you to figure the best script for bringing you what you want. It thinks you can predict what sequence of steps should be taken to accomplish it. In other words, your self image will prompt you to dictate to the Universe how to bring about your desires.

Yield not to that temptation! Consider this. Your (conscious) mind on which you depend is limited to your experiences, which probably do not include any experiences in the area of your desires. If you had experiences in the area of your desires, you likely be now be enjoying a life filled with those desires.

The Universe, on the other hand, has access to not only all of the experiences you have had but all of the experiences that everyone who has ever lived and who live now have had. It has access to all laws in existence, both known and unknown. It has access to every particle of every substance, visible and invisible, that has ever been or that ever will be. It knows how to do anything and everything, for it has already created every thing that has been created.

The problem with attempting to predict a course of events to bring your desires into your experience is that you are in essence telling the Universe that you are changing the object of your focus, therefore, your are changing your goal to your act of predicting and the act of predicting produces nothing you desire.

After a while of seeing no visible evidence that your predicting is producing your desires, you gradually give up the attempt and slowly fall back into clutches of the old self image.

Keep your focused attention on the image of the end result that you desire, nothing else. Do your work. The HOW is the domain of the Universe. Let it do its work. Persist in your focusing. When your self image gets the message that you are determined to succeed, it will give way to your control. Your subconscious mind will accept unto itself that you really do desire your goal and by its own processes it will take your desire in as a desire seed. Once the subconscious accepts it, it MUST create your desires for you. It has no choice in the matter, and it delivers them to you in the most expeditious manner.

This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

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