Creating Your Vision

February 28, 2009

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" Albert Einstein

I feel that one of the most important ingredients in your formula for success is having a clearly defined and vivid vision of where you want to be. At first the “how” is not that important, you need to create a vision that gets you so excited that you develop the mentality that you will stop at nothing to get what you want. Many people first focus on the how than very quickly find themselves overwhelmed with too many details and just as quickly talk them selves out of pursuing their goals. You have to take a leap of faith and trust that the how will be shown to you as you go along. Do you remember the days as a kid with dreams of epic proportions? What happened those dreams? You got older and domesticated by a society that says that having those dreams is foolish. That’s nonsense, why wouldn’t you want to accomplish the things that even as a kid you knew would make you happy. I encourage you to dream like you once used to.

“Shoot for the moon…even if you

Miss you’ll still be amongst them stars”- Beanie Sigel(rap artist)

One way I keep myself motivated and keep my vision alive is through my picture book. In my book I have everything that I want and every morning I look at it to remind me what I want in life. Go right now and get some magazines and cut out every picture of the things you want and places you want to visit, don’t be thinking if you can actually get those things now, dare to dream. Remember your mind thinks in pictures, look at your picture book until in becomes as vivid as possible in the theater of your mind. Your mind cant tell the difference between something you remember or something you experience in real time.

Visualization Exercises(meditation):

(Please read this whole section, I will explain why almost all self help fails to produce the results people want)

You can think of meditation as conscious sleeping. Just as you sleep to gain energy for your daily functioning, meditation is conscious sleeping that gives you all the energy(creative abilities) you need for what you intend to accomplish.

I also use lucid dreaming as another way to increase creativity, I will soon write a hub on lucid dreaming.(Lucid dreaming is when you actually become aware in your dream that you are dreaming, once properly trained you can control your dreams)

Use the power of meditation to help you achieve your goals. Strive to everyday meditate one minute for each year of your current age. I am 24, so everyday I try and meditate at least 24 minutes. If you are new to meditation check out this website on transcendental meditation .There are many techniques find something that feels good to you.

Quantum Mind Power

Daily Routine:

1. Pick a nice comfortable place where to meditate. Have an intention on what you plan to meditate on before hand. Ex. A destination you want to visit.

2. Find a comfortable position to sit. Sitting on a chair or on the floor, does not really matter as long as it is comfortable for you.

3. Cross your legs, clasp your hands together.(this helps make your own energy circuit and gives stability)

4.Close your eyes, than stop inner and outer chatter.

5. Relax, begin thinking that your whole body is becoming extremely relaxed.

6. Eyes should be closed.

7. You will notice that your mind is full of many thoughts. Your mind will than begin to ask questions to those thoughts and try and come up with answers whether they are known or unknown. This is why your mind(ego) can be your enemy if it mostly thinks in negative terms.

8. You will need to transcend your mind and thoughts in order to meditate. Your mind and thoughts are what separate you from your higher self, you can also think of your higher self as your subconscious mind don't worry about the labels.

9. You transcend your mind by simply observing your breath. Don't inhale/exhale consciously just observe your natural breathing. Don't go behind your thoughts, if you catch your self drifting just always come back to your breathing. Slowly the amount of thoughts reduces and your breathing becomes thinner and shorter. If you are able to keep all your focus on your breath, you will get to the point of no thought and no breath. This state of no thought is your connection to your divine being and energy body. The more you meditate the more benefits and energy that you will receive. Your own self awareness and consciousness will also expand.

10. You will feel a very pleasurable feeling meditating. If you feel any discomfort in your body these can be possible areas of disease or illness. If you meditate everyday you will heal your body naturally.

11. Now that you are in a state of no thought and total relaxation. Begin to think only on your intention. Remember whatever you think now is in a state that will be impregnated directly into your subconscious. It is incredibly important that you don't color any of your thoughts with any lack,limitation,dis belief or doubt. This is why almost all self help material does not produce the results people expect. Wishing for more money(or anything else) never works, the thought of wanting more money also has the thought of doubt attached to it. Ask your self how many thoughts that you think about have been modified in a way that is not beneficial to you. You just never realize that you are programming your sub conscious all day. This is why meditation is so powerful. You are able to make suggestions to your subconscious where the thought is not modified in any way shape or form. So if you want to make things happen fast you need to get rid of the concept of attaching time to yourthoughts. You have to remember that everything you get in your life comes based on the conditions that you set up and time is usually one condition that cuases the most frustration with people. Just as a computer programmer gives a computer instructions to complete a task, you program the most powerful computer you have which is your subconscious. Your conscious mind acts as the gate keeper as to what thoughts you let in. Now that you know this choose to become more aware and conscious about what you think all day long. Learn to see the world in a non linear way, remove time from your consiousness and watch how things show up in your life faster than you ever thought.

Thoughts = feelings = actions = results (just like that you can begin to shape your life)

12. Mentally rehearse every moment of it with all your senses. Dare to be like Peter Pan :)

13. Visualize in vivid detail, your intention as established fact. Also make sure you meditate only on days you feel good. Remember you want your thoughts to be as pure as possible. This also means that you really find out what you want, make sure its not something you want solely for ego purposes. Thoughts that involve the ego are usually always colored with negativity.

14. With time you will begin to be able to hold vivid pictures of anything(you will develop you third eye). The more you are able to hold onto an image in your mind the more power you give it.

15. Get up and go have a great day :) notice how much energy you have the rest of the day. As you advance in your discipline, you will have a lot of fun basically creating your day before it starts.


To start making that vision a reality you will have to change some of your beliefs and adopt beliefs that will help you reach your goals. Because if you have this great vision of you retiring on your own private beach but deep down you don’t believe you can do it, you have already sabotaged yourself. Your desire and your belief are in conflict with each other and therefore you will not manifest what it is that you want into your life. If you want to be a good leader one day but you currently have the belief that you are a shy person, it will not happen. You need to truly make a decision to adopt the belief that you are really outgoing. When you truly decide to do something you will find a way to do it.

“Nothing happens unless first a dream” – Carl Sandburg

Some Ways to shape your beliefs:

1. Always think Success- as soon as you think about failure forget about it and don’t let anymore negative thoughts snowball. The more attention you give a thought the more powerful it will become than you will make it harder for yourself to get back to a productive mind state. The only way to change how you feel is to think about something else. Whenever you feel doubt, fear, and failure creeping into your mind have a default thought that you can use to avoid giving attention to mental poison. As soon as I feel I am entertaining thoughts of negativity I immediately begin to think about relaxing on a beach and affirm to myself that “I attract abundance to all areas of my life”. The more I try and have the feelings of being on the beach with no worries and remind myself that I am in complete control of how I feel, I immediately feel the negativity begin to melt away as I begin to focus on my new positive thought.

2. Develop the belief that you are better than you currently feel- don’t look at your weaknesses as a burden but as an opportunity to improve your self. When I find something I don’t like about my personality I don’t get down on myself for it, I just realize that now I have something I can work on to make myself better. Most importantly love and accept who you are, not who you will or should be.

3. Believe that sky’s the limit- if you have little goals you will have little success, the bigger your dreams the more potential for your possible success. Even If you think your dream is too big, strive to reach that dream, because you will end up at a better place than if you would have set your sights on a smaller goal. The trick is to really believe you can do it, this just isn’t wishful thinking. Wishful thinking never got anyone anything, you need to find out what you want and get out there and get it. If you really want that house on the beach your mind will come up with ways to help you get it.(develop faith in your self)

How to remove junk beliefs:

1. Meditate on your old belief and tell the truth about it. Now replace it with a belief that will better serve you. Meditate on it until you feel you have changed that belief.

Now when you accept these beliefs it means you will have to raise your standards and develop a strategy that will put you on the road to accomplish what you set forth. Do whatever you have to do. Read any books that will spark your interest or help you discover any distinctions that will point you in the right direction. Find a role model, a person who has already accomplished what you want. Find out what some of their beliefs, interests, body language, image, etc. is and adopt them as your own. Your role model can serve as a blue print, the goal is to cut down on the trial and error so you can get where you want faster than you ever thought possible. You can take all the qualities from all the people you admire and add your own personal touch. Just think of if it as if you are trying to build the person you want and know you can be. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest inventors in history, he was able to elaborate, modify and adapt on other peoples ideas. You don’t have torecreate the wheel just constantly be aware of any success ingredients you come across and make them part of your identity. Think of your mind as a warehouse the more you learn and store will eventually serve as an inventory for future reference, which will breed new ideas and perspectives.

Consistency is key we are all creatures of patterns and habits. In order to become the person you desire to be, start by changing your patterns. Think of all the quality traits you must possess, make a pattern which uses those traits efficiently than strive to be consistent. Consistency will develop into habits and this is key because if you fail to be consistent with your actions you will not be consistent with who you desire to be. This lack of confusion between your actions and what your mind knows you are capable of leads to tremendous amounts of stress, confusion, and even depression. Many other consequences also come from a lack of consistency.

This is why awareness of self is critical; you need to be constantly evaluating your self. Decide if the persona you are currently displaying is the reality that you want for yourself,because with enough time thats what your reality will become.

Thank you for reading my hub, I love to hear anyones opinion or suggestions. Good luck to everyone.

The Art of Giving

February 27, 2009

In the pursuit of the life we dream of, this journey we are on for successful living, the focus is usually on figuring out what it is exactly that we want and then setting ourselves on course for going and getting it. This is very important: Know what you want to get for your life and then pursue it.

But there is another aspect of achieving the life you dream of that seems on the surface to actually be counter-productive to getting the life you want, yet is imperative to the successful life. It is giving.

Giving – of yourself, your time, your money, your energy – is something that takes us from simply being successful people in the traditional sense of the term, to being people who lead successful lives.

Giving is what makes us fully human. It is the essence of what we are, people who are here on earth together, not simply people who hope to clamor to the top of the pile in the survival of the fittest. Yes, pursue your life and your success with wild abandon; be responsible for yourself and take ownership of your life, realizing that you cannot be responsible for others, but also allow yourself to become a giving person.

Giving is also what allows us to accomplish things far beyond ourselves; and that is part of what living the life of our dreams is all about, right? Accomplishing great things through ourselves – and others!

How do we do that? Here are some ideas:

Make your giving purposeful.
Give to people and organizations that fulfill purposes that you believe in. This way, they feel good, you feel good, and the work you believe in gets done. Giving purposefully will give you the ability to know that your giving is doing something great.

Make your giving proactive.
Take control of your giving. When we control our giving it becomes proactive rather than reactive. We know that we are doing what we want to do rather than what others may manipulate us to do. We can avoid a lot of the wondering about validity that comes when we give out of reaction. Giving proactively will give you a lot of peace of mind.

Make your giving methodical.
Every month my wife and I write out our charity checks before any other checks. We do that on purpose to keep our hearts in the right place. Every month, month in and month out, year after year, we go about our giving. Our goal is to give away $1,000,000 by the end of our lives (and we may have to even readjust that goal as time goes by since we set it when we were only 24 years old and we are well on our way to that goal.) This isn’t done by giving big chunks from time to time. It is accomplished by checks each and every month, methodically. Giving methodically allows you to build up larger gifts over time.

Make your giving generous.
Don’t be a tightwad! Loosen up the purse strings a bit. Think of your giving in regard to how you can be generous, not how you can cover your charitable bases. I have found that it isn’t the extra money given to charity that breaks people. It is usually mismanagement. And at the end of your life you will most likely not know the difference financially, though you will in your heart. Making your giving generous allows you to give even greater amounts over time.

Make your giving increasing.
Don’t just give the same amount from year to year – increase your giving. I think there are two good times to readjust your giving: The first of the year and any time your income goes up. Bump your giving up then, if you can. This will keep you on pace with your giving goals and you will notice the increase less from your bottom line. Make your giving increasing and your giving will keep pace with your income.

Make your giving from the heart.
Don’t just let your giving be a mind issue. Let it be a heart issue. This is what gives us our humanity. What causes make your eyes tear up? What causes really mean something to your heart when you are honest with yourself? Start giving to these causes! Let your checkbook be a reflection of your heart! Make your giving from the heart and you will allow your heart to grow.

(Sometimes) Make your giving spontaneous.
Sometimes… Allow yourself to be spontaneous with your giving. Do allow yourself to react sometimes. Will you get taken advantage of? Yes, sometimes. But you will also be doing something within yourself that will keep you from becoming cynical. Sometimes, as life has been good to you and you find yourself blessed, let yourself be the blessing to someone else. Make your giving spontaneous (sometimes) and you will battle the disease of cynicism about charity that can creep in.

These are just a few ideas that you can implement right now to begin the art of giving in your life. The key is to decide that you will become a giver, and not merely a taker. You will choose to leave something behind in this world and not merely try to get something out of it.

And as we all commit to that, our world will be a better place and we can all live the lives that we dream of.

Key Drivers of Success

February 10, 2009

Warning! Unless, you are still in the rat race of life, this piece is not for you. And you should therefore, not bother to read it. In other words, it is not a piece for those already in the upwardly mobile class nor sophisticated executive let alone, the successful politician. No! They already know more than enough of the demands of success; and for sure, I am not about to start carrying coal to new castle.

This is about us and for us. I mean the jobless, the gainfully and not so gainfully employed, the self employed and the ambitious. It also includes some of the religious leaders. Just anyone who believes he is not yet where you ought to be––the upper strata.

Success is a product of three interwoven factors. And of which the absence of one or more, in the activities and striving of any individual or group, results in failure with the attendant frustration, Disenchantment, disillusionment and some times, neurasthenic outburst against the nearest person(s) and other like manifestations. And these success drivers include the right plan, the right people and the right place.

The right Plan is the foundation of any worthwhile human endeavour. Simply put, it is, the skeleton without which, neither flesh or life can be manifested. And consequently, the most complex task towards the achievement of any objective. For this reason, it is not a tea party to the brilliant and deliberate and without meaning to and not even knowing it, a “no go area” for the less brilliant.

Many people go through life not really knowing what to plan for or against; and even when they have been guided into identifying a worthy enterprise, still do not know where or how to start turning such identified goal(s) into reality.

But the truth is that unless you want to wander aimlessly in the wilderness of life never arriving; then you must plan. If you find it difficult identifying what to focus on, I advice you engage your fantasies. Yes. I mean just that! Fantasy only becomes bad when you never snap out of it otherwise, properly canalised; it can set you among the class of visionaries.

Know this, it is your dreams that you speedily achieve in fantasy and if can stop and ask yourself how that can also be achieved in the real world, you will somehow, develop an action plan towards doing just that. For instance, if you fantasize about your addressing a large congregation as a public speaker, it would do no harm to rather than continue, stop the fantasy and start enquiring about how to become one and immediately, setting in motion, the task of implementing your findings starting with small groups. You certainly must perform woefully at the initial stage but declare in your heart that you are a speaker and before long, you will become one. Remember, what you declare is what you are.

The right people: We cannot all always be leaders in our society or association but one area where we can and should be leaders and remain so till the end of our life, is in the area of picking those who we allow to influence our thought and consequently, our life. Input will always determine the output. A former Nigerian leader once stated in an interview that he never considers cost where the attraction of the right kind of persons was concerned. If that is true for him, it should be the gospel for the rest of us. Know that while it might be true for unlike charges in metals to attract, in chemicals, it is totally different—they try to cancel out each. Attract unlike minded people only for those negatives—be sure they are negatives, which you wish to do away with

The people who you are to attract are not just those who are capable of debating your strategies but should include guinea pigs but, distribute your respect equally amongst all of them—for what they are adding and making you to subtract from your life. Remember, mother Theresa became a world acknowledged personality by identifying with those beneath her—the poor.

The right place: the concept of place before the current computer age use to be synonymous with physical presence in a location—like clubs, church society, social groups or travelling out the shores of ones country depending on the kind of people you are interested in--where there is a high probability of opportunity springing forth. Not anymore. Today, you can sit in the comfort of your home and meet more persons than you will ever need in a life time through social networks and more.

This is not in any way, discounting the effect of the physical environment and the make of our neighbours on our person and determination to achieve our dreams and conduct. I strongly believe that if you move some poor folks to VGC in Nigeria, they will turn for the better within years.

Mastering Your Mind Power: Stop Predicting How Your Desires Will Come

February 09, 2009

I have written at length about your self image and the many tricks it uses to keep you under its control. There is one other trick that I have not mentioned that will keep you from making changes in your life that will allow you to attract more of what you desire into your life.

Even though you may have decided to go after the dreams of your heart; even though you may have made a commitment to a process for change; even though you may have engaged in the practices of that process; and you may have even in successfully planting the seeds of your desires into your creative subconscious mind, your self image has one more card to put into play.

It is the natural tendency of your mind to think it has sufficient knowledge available to it for you to figure the best script for bringing you what you want. It thinks you can predict what sequence of steps should be taken to accomplish it. In other words, your self image will prompt you to dictate to the Universe how to bring about your desires.

Yield not to that temptation! Consider this. Your (conscious) mind on which you depend is limited to your experiences, which probably do not include any experiences in the area of your desires. If you had experiences in the area of your desires, you likely be now be enjoying a life filled with those desires.

The Universe, on the other hand, has access to not only all of the experiences you have had but all of the experiences that everyone who has ever lived and who live now have had. It has access to all laws in existence, both known and unknown. It has access to every particle of every substance, visible and invisible, that has ever been or that ever will be. It knows how to do anything and everything, for it has already created every thing that has been created.

The problem with attempting to predict a course of events to bring your desires into your experience is that you are in essence telling the Universe that you are changing the object of your focus, therefore, your are changing your goal to your act of predicting and the act of predicting produces nothing you desire.

After a while of seeing no visible evidence that your predicting is producing your desires, you gradually give up the attempt and slowly fall back into clutches of the old self image.

Keep your focused attention on the image of the end result that you desire, nothing else. Do your work. The HOW is the domain of the Universe. Let it do its work. Persist in your focusing. When your self image gets the message that you are determined to succeed, it will give way to your control. Your subconscious mind will accept unto itself that you really do desire your goal and by its own processes it will take your desire in as a desire seed. Once the subconscious accepts it, it MUST create your desires for you. It has no choice in the matter, and it delivers them to you in the most expeditious manner.

This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

The Million Dollar Goal

February 08, 2009

As a 34 year-old, mother of two, I had a goal of making major cash flow and most importantly I wanted to do this by finding ‘work from home’ techniques. My goal was initially to retire early and do nothing but watch my children grow but I learned quickly that I could get board just sitting at home watching my stacks of money. Well the stacks weren’t actually there, as of yet, but let me show you the guidelines I use to reach both goals. The actual goals to work at home and gain financial freedom were important to me but how I got there taught me a very importantly lesson. If I could teach my children or anyone else who cared to listen that changing your way of life is very difficult but if you succeed at achieving that goal you have accomplished much more for your self esteem. So take a look at the steps I used to achieve my goal. Use them as you will and make the needed change in your life.

First of all I walked into my purpose, of changing my wealth, just like I was learning math, a foreign language, or a sport. Practice, Practice, Practice! You might be asking, “How do you practice at being wealthy?”

Well, I was brought up knowing and practicing one way of managing money (which wasn’t working) so I had to learn a whole new world to change my behavior. Here are the six major steps I took in my journey to make change in my life:

  1. Immerse yourself in the subject. I turned to books and tapes on getting rich or ‘work from home’ web sites. I chose authors that I did not necessarily like to provoke change. Through this emission in financial data I did get a bit overloaded at times but consistency with the subject and a verity of different facts and opinions on the subject started to provoke change.
  2. Write down clear and concise goals. After hearing this statement many times I finally wrote something down and when I actually put the pen to the paper I didn’t create a master piece, I wrote a sentence that stated something like this, “I want to work from home and be financially free.” As time went on and I learned more about the subject I was able to define my goals a bit clearer.

  3. Share your goal(s). This one hurt me! I really contemplated the purpose of this step. This is how I rationalized it. I learned that those around me may belittle me for my goal… I feared that individuals would put me down for the fact that I wasn’t grateful enough for what I had. Then I looked at my confidence and realized I had what it takes to do anything. I have succeeded before but more often on the quite side! So I tweaked this step a bit. Knowing that my quiet confidence gets me through I decided to choose this route. I didn’t stand on a rock and declare to the world that I wanted to work from home and get filthy rich in doing so; I let it out a little at a time. As I told a few individuals I realized even if they don’t agree with me I didn’t take it personally. After a few mentions I had people asking me how they could do the same in their own lives.
  4. Ignore the negativity! Well this is why I am here sharing with you. The supportive people in your world and mine do not want to hear how we want to change. Even though they may mean well, they don’t want you to change your world! That would mean change in their world! Could it be jealousy, fear, or just the plain old fact that it is human nature to resist change even if it is possibly for the better? So try to branch out and attract those who are interested in your goal. You would truly think that my friends wouldn’t care if I wanted to work from home. But our friends and loved ones have opinions of their own. So if you attract those who are extremely opposed to your goals, assuming your goals are legal, who cares! Maybe you’ll learn from them… maybe you will change their focus… Does it really matter? What matters is, what YOU want to achieve! So my new motto became, “some will, some won’t, so who cares!”
  5. Sales?! I learned that everyone has to be good in sales. I saw the word ‘sales’ and shut down. Let me state this fact… I am good in sales and have succeeded in past at sales jobs then ran like crazy at the first opportunity to GET AWAY from sales. Now, I learn ‘sales’ is standing in the way of my goals. I questioned the phrase “work from home,” and felt I shouldn’t have to sell to anyone. I wasn’t happy but with all of my knowledge I was learning to gather the most information regarding my least favorite topics. I then realized I referred to sales a bit different… I didn’t need the competitive sales but only sell this idea to myself. After I was sold on my own ideas people will begin to follow. When I was certain where I was going I would find other leaders like myself. So I dove in head first to a couple different opportunities and absorbed as much training as possible. I chose health related opportunities because that was the largest interest of mine.
  6. Never Quit. This step is so important! I would forget about my goals, change my opinion, and lose sight of my goals. There are so many things to keep you busy in your current life to distract you from making change! But if you want change to happen you have to make it happen. Keep refereeing back to your written goals. Read. Change them. Whatever it is to keep your goal(s) at the forefront! You will get discouraged! You will get distracted! You will want to give up because change is difficult! But make your decision now and every day from here on out. What you have always done got you where you are today… If you want a different outcome in your life... you have to change your current actions and you can’t quit!

So ultimately I changed my life. I achieved my goal. I work from home and I make an excellent amount of money! Can you take the difficult step in changing your life? Can you lose the weight? Can you break a bad habit? I wish you luck in your venture and hope to hear what steps you took to ultimately achieve your goals and make change in your life.

Happiness For a Better Life - Tips For Early Morning Motivation

January 29, 2009

Have you ever felt to be in bad mood when you get up in the morning? Do you need too much time to get running and functioning at high speed? Do you need many coffee breaks? Off course, sometimes everybody has a hang through phase, be it after a lot of work, long time school or study, boring work or what ever.

I have thought a bit about how to improve the small things of life to the positive and how to get up with a great smile every morning. Actually I just reflected what I am doing for years and which helped me through many difficult situations. Funny enough, to get up positively in the morning has its roots in the evening before and how you go to bed. That's what I do:

After our work day, Eliane and I sit down for a short while just talking to each other about the nice and frustrating things we encountered over the working day. Then, while she prepares a small meal, I help her with some jobs to be done in the household, going to the cellar for milk or what else is needed. After the meal, often together with our adult children, we do no more speak about business but about our dreams, holidays, the book we a re reading, etc. Now it comes: we go to bed with an absolutely positive feeling and mind.

The alarm clock rings! There it is very important to get up slowly and with a first and positive thought. This is easy since I already slept with a positive mind, so I just restart where I left. Be not hectic, enjoy the shower, look out of the window, see the birds, the sunshine, and enjoy your life. Go on to have joy the whole day!

My conclusion and recommendation:

- Chose to be happy, be grateful
- Avoid bad news and stress
- Manage your time well, do not waste it, it's just too precious
- Laugh heartily, this is medicine
- Express your feelings and passions
- Work hard but not to exhaustion
- Enjoy your achievements and accomplishments
- Learn something new everyday, broaden your horizon
- Exercise your mind, soul and body, feel alive, eliminate depression
- Find Inspiration and success, be enthusiastic
- Take some minutes for meditation and religion

Following these simple but powerful small steps every day will increase your health (mind and body) dramatically. If you learn to avoid negative exposures, enjoy what you feel and what is around you, you are set for a long and prosperous life. Start reading motivational books.

Martin Bigler is an experienced Copywriter and offers Resources, Tools and Educational Content to help interested People build their Internet Business successfully and with motivation. His Educational Martin Bigler Newsletter offers profound step by step guidance on various Marketing and Sales Tasks. A big selection of Free Reports, Downloads and useful Links are available at and the MartinBiglerBlog. Copyright by Martin Bigler.

Cognitive Thinking and Innovation

January 28, 2009

Cognitive thinking is the mechanism we use to unleash innovation. To be mentally engaged in a cognitive way requires us to have our attention focused. We must be in "observation mode" and we must be actively engaged in processing - or thinking about - what we are observing.

Let's look at it another way. The human mind is at its highest cognitive level when we receive input from our senses that does not match an existing pattern. It's new. Because the mind always makes matches, even if they are grossly incorrect, the degree of the "non match" impacts the level of "cognizance" we have. Our minds are hard-wired to place everything we see, smell, taste, feel, touch or think into perspective in what is often called our "personal world view."

That's why when we see something that doesn't make sense or that we don't recognize we often call to mind images that we mentally start testing. We check them off as "no way, that's not it" until we find something we think might match. Our mind is offering partial pattern matches to us to see if we can cognitively give it that verification. However, this only happens when we actively observe something in a focused, questing way.

Observations - The Fuel We Need

So if you think about thinking (ugh) you should be able to see that we need observations that raise our cognitive level. Let's call this Innovation Fuel.

The innovation technique I developed is very likely the simplest and most elegant way to challenge process. The technique puts us into a cognitive state on purpose by zeroing in on isolated characteristics of a process (Moments of Truth) and challenging them within that isolation. This forces us outside of all our normal reference points.

This gives us the observation input (fuel) we need then propels us into the State of Innovation by challenging us to find a unique way (a change that could be made) to eliminate that characteristic from the process. No "changes" can be reused so as we sift through the stack of possibilities our minds are pressed more and more to "think outside the box" for any unique patterns they can find that could be a fit to what is effectively a pattern-matching request. That's a rough outline of what happens.

A Physical Reality

The State of Innovation is a real condition and we can measure that condition with sophisticated sensory devices used to monitor the changes in brain activity, heart rate, breathing patterns, chemical changes, and body posture that go along with it. That's another important observation because if we don't move into this real and measurable state it is highly unlikely that we will succeed in being innovative.

So if we are able to create the observational context, the challenge (and it does need to be the right challenge), and what I call the "empty bucket" (meaning we run you out of all the obvious and easy answers to the challenge) AND you continue to tackle the challenge you WILL begin to innovate.

When does this not work? Only when we cheat my friend, only when we cheat. Why would that happen? Because it's uncomfortable and it's hard work! Answering a question where all of the obvious answers are already used is no simple thing. We have to really kick things in gear (hence the reason why this condition can be physically measured). While the instructions may be simple and success is there for everyone that follows them, good old human nature often shortcuts the process - leaving us well rested but holding an empty bag.

Unleashing the Opportunity

Unleashing innovation requires us to identify a variety of potential changes that could be taken, to identify even those we are unlikely to seriously consider, and in that experience to uncover novel new steps that can produce competitive, differentiating, trendsetting and even radical advancement of our customer value proposition. It's the one technique that can do this for any industry, market, or geography and it's the one technique that doesn't succumb to rote application.

Observation, challenge and enough effort for us to address the challenge once our "idea bucket" is empty is all it takes to trigger real innovation. The technique is simple; the requirement on people is not. It requires the willingness to be uncomfortable, to often be frustrated as we struggle with new ways to answer the challenge, and the willingness to work at it - hard. Like some many other things in life, you get from it what you put into it.

About the Author
Terry Schurter is an internationally recognized Thought Leader, Director of the nonprofit International Process and Performance Institute, Author and highly sought-after speaker. To learn more on Terry's perspectives or contact Terry please visit: the International Process and Performance Institute, or his personal website,

Inspired Movement

January 27, 2009

Wow, almost 2 weeks into 2009 are you moving forward? Life happened to many in a negative way during the past year, we can not change what has happened however, we can choose to embrace the new and move in positive ways. Many times this action requires you to tell your mind you are moving then do it. What needs to be understood in this volatile time in your life is a choice must be made to either embrace the new or dwell in the past. Worry, fear and all of the other emotions are very real; you just have to choose to move through them not allowing them to paralyze you.

Our natural nature is to focus on all the negative and fuel the worry. Here is my question to you; can you fix what you are worrying about? If the answer is no then move on, do not waste your precious creative energy on something you can do nothing about. Instead save that energy to move you through the things you can change. You will be amazed at the end result, you will feel better about you, more empowered and willing to move into that amazing you that is inside waiting to come to the surface.

We each have a choice to make as we move into the next week of 2009, how do you want to embrace it? I see it as if we have to be present in that moment let's make it inspired and positive moving forward with empowered action. Of course, there are those that say phooey let's just sit and wallow in our past, we were hurt, attacked, and lost so much...

Which response brings you more power? It is time to make the choice to embrace inspired movement and do something with our life. We went to see Yes Man last night and what a true statement the movie made. So many of us sit by and allow life to fly past us happening around us and yet we do nothing. Jim Carey realized after a crazy "rah, rah" meeting that he needed to say yes to life, of course it had its twists however in the end saying yes to life was a powerfully positive decision he made.

Are you ready to say Yes?

Change - The Only Thing In Life That Is Constant

January 26, 2009

We have express mail delivery today. A couple of years back, imagine what it was like to get letters and messages across to people. We have mobile phones today. Twenty years ago, what was telephony like? Today, air and rail travels are cheaper and faster. What were they like fifteen years ago? Unlike before, money can now be transferred within seconds from one part of the world to the other.

On a daily basis, inventions and technologies that will make people save money and time, live easier lives and much more are being churned out. Humanity has not found a cure for AIDS but progress is being made. Some types of cancer are being taken care of today if detected early unlike ten years ago.

Because life is changing slowly, if you fail to tag along, you run the risk of being left behind, battered by change in the process. Of course, it is happening to nations, businesses and individuals. The world has become a global village. Advantages that existed in the past due to communication, location, cheap labor and the likes have vanished. Organizations like NOKIA and SONY ERRICSSON are in CHINA today doing good business.

It is said that the greatest man that ever lived was once a day old baby. At every stage in life, there are changes that must be made or adapted to. Anything to the contrary, will make you a looser. Change which is a life time phenomenon connotes growth.

To be successful, you must be open to change. You must constantly review your options and chances to deal with threats and take advantage of opportunities that must come. Destruction/extermination will be knocking at your door if you do otherwise. Change is that powerful. You must seek information and knowledge constantly in order to be relevant. This way, you will avoid failure or at least minimize mistakes and maximize opportunities.


Life is a progress, and not a station....Ralph Waldo Emerson

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal....Arthur Schopenhauer

The most successful people are those who are good at plan B....James Yorke

Become a student of change .It is the only thing that will remain constant...Anthony J. D'Angelo

I am always doing that which I can not, in order that I may learn how to do it...Pablo Picasso

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world....Nelson Mandela

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change....Charles Darwin

The Genius Project - A Simple Problem, What Geniuses Do

January 25, 2009

More findings from my good friend Mr. Jay Niblick', The Genius Project.

A Simple Problem
The problem he found was that the vast majority of people assume there is no real difference between natural and acquired talents. They assume that all talents can be developed through intelligence, training and hard work. They fail to appreciate just how fixed these neural networks really are. Instead, because they assume that all talent can be acquired, they set about identifying what talents they need for a given role and then start trying to develop them. They take training programs, they read books, they attend seminars, they get mentors and coaches and they do a whole host of things to try and develop their talents for their job.

What happens, though, is that they manage to develop only the acquired talents. They don't change their neural networks. They don't create new natural talents and so in the end they become one of the most knowledgeable sales people in the company, but they still don't think like the great sales people. They become the greatest knowledge expert on the planet for the rules of accounting and workings of mathematics, but they still don't think like the great accountants do. They become the pilot who knows more about the technical manual than the engineer who wrote it, but they still don't meld with the controls and become one with the plane as an extension of their own body - like the great pilots do.

By assuming that training and development will develop all the talents they need many people, and organizations, fail to understand that they are only building up half of the picture. When the other half of the picture isn't there (the natural talents half) they wonder why they continue to struggle; continue to be emotionally unengaged and continue to lack a certain passion for their work. Unfortunately, when people fail to achieve the level of performance they want, the solution is often even more training and knowledge.

People spend a great deal of time trying to put in talents that are just not there to begin with, and aren't going to be put in regardless of the effort. They exert a tremendous amount of energy attempting to change themselves, when in reality it is the job that needs to be changed. That's what geniuses do.

What Geniuses Do
The most successful people he studied, those who people refer to as geniuses at what they do, don't make this simple mistake. Remember the two things that Geniuses do. First, geniuses possess a superior level of self-awareness, so they know what their natural talents are (and are not). Second, they are also very authentic, so they find ways to achieve success that rely on these talents. They find jobs that rely on their natural talents, not their ability to develop new talents. They find roles that play to their strengths, not their weaknesses. When they do this, they find that the work comes more naturally and success more frequently.

The most successful among us don't spend their lives trying to become the A%2B student in that difficult class we mentioned in my last article. Because they understand that they are who they are, instead of wasting energy trying to become something they are not, they invest it in trying to better apply that which they already are. In a sense, they stop trying to put in what God left out and instead work with what he put in! This frees up a lot of extra energy. Imagine how much more successful you would be if 100% of your energy was directed towards just using your natural talents.

By being as authentic as they are, geniuses are free to pour all of their time and energy into doing more of what they already do naturally well, instead of being distracted by trying to develop what they don't already have. This is not to say that Geniuses don't grow or continue to refine themselves. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, one of the Geniuses interviewed for this study, says of refining himself, "I constantly try to refine the strengths I have, but that doesn't mean I try to develop things I don't already have. One danger in the message of only focusing on strengths is that people may perceive this to mean that they don't have to improve at all. Rather within their natural talents they must always improve. The key is to find a role that depends primarily on what you do well, and then continue to get even better at it through practice, awareness and acquired knowledge and experience."

If they need to acquire new knowledge or experience, Geniuses definitely do. But if the job calls for natural talents that they don't possess, they either find another way to do that job, or they find another job. That's what the very best do, and that's what my last few and next few articles are all about. Remember the formula for 5th level performance; Self-Awareness %2B Authenticity = Success.

The key to being "true", however, is not about identifying weaknesses so you can turn them into strengths, which is what most theories on personal improvement would argue. The Genius Study shows that the best among us take a very different approach to their weaknesses. While the best do indeed seek to understand their weaknesses very well, they do not do so for the purposes of fixing them, rather they use this knowledge to create objectives, goals, and roles that simply do not depend on those weaknesses. Such thinking runs counter to conventional wisdom, which teaches us that the key to greater success lies in eliminating weaknesses. Geniuses wouldn't argue that eliminating weakness is the key to success, but it's how they eliminate them that is so different. Instead of eliminating the weakness, they eliminate their dependence on it. There are lots of things Geniuses do, so let's let them tell you what some of those things are. Here's what just some of the geniuses Jay interviewed for the study had to say about their natural talents, self-awareness and authenticity when it comes to being successful.

Marshall Goldsmith on Self-Awareness
"I think I am very aware of my strengths. My strengths are being very good at coaching others - specifically the teaching aspect of coaching due to my love and passion for teaching. I love teaching and I'm very good at it because, in part, I am very good at taking complex concepts and organizing them in a simple way that is easy to understand and therefore one of the gifts I have for teaching others. My job is helping others set realistic goals, evaluating them in those goals, and teaching them how to reach them better. As for my weaknesses, I am not good at managing people, but I just don't do it. I have lots of weaknesses, I just don't do them and I have no interest in correcting them. I constantly try to refine the strengths I have, but that doesn't mean I try to develop things I don't already possess. One of the keys to my success is that I've been able to find a role, or create one actually, that depends primarily on the natural talents I already possess."

Francis Hesselbein on Authentic Passion
"Peter Drucker would say all the time, 'your job is to make the strengths of your people effective and their weaknesses irrelevant!' I think I've always been very aware of my strengths and weaknesses. When I am at my best it is when I am focusing on what I do best, when I am less effective it is when I am ignoring those talents but choose to carry out those practices which rely on my non-talents. The thing to keep in mind is that success is a matter of how to be, not how to do. People like you and me have never had a job. They have been called to do what they do best. Warren Bennis calls it the leader within or the spirit within.

When you are doing things that align with your talents and strengths, you don't consider it work. It is your passion. I think the purpose of a good leader is to mobilize people around a passionate mission, but it has to be in their way to reach their passion. Great leadership requires the best and to be the absolute best you can't be false, you can't be trying to be great at something you aren't
naturally great at."

Five "Must Do" Steps to Achieve Success

There are five simple steps that if you follow them will make it much easier to achieve success. Of course, before we even get into the five steps, you have to define what success means to you. But, once you have defined success for yourself, here are the five "must do" steps to achieving success:

1. Set Goals. This is only common sense but it is shocking to me how many people do not set goals. Only about 2% of the world's population set goals but, those 2% control approximately 95% of the wealth in the world. You want to make sure that you are part of that 2%. It is really rather simple, if you don't have a target then how can you hit it. Without a target, you are going to miss every time. If you have a gun and go out to the shooting range and just start firing off rounds, the bullets are going to go somewhere and if you are real lucky, you won't shoot yourself in the foot. However, If you have a specific target that you are aiming at, you are going to come a lot closer to your target and closer to your goal. With a little study, training and practice, you can get to the point that you will hit the bulls-eye every time.

2. Use positive thinking. I am sure that you have heart the cliche: "If you think you can or you think you can't, your right." You have to believe in yourself. There can be no doubts. Know in your heart that you can be successful and you will find success beyond your wildest dreams. A note of caution with this one-you must know your field of expertise. You must gain all of the knowledge necessary to be a success but, once you have gained the proper background and knowledge, use positive thinking to help you achieve your goals.

3. Visualize yourself successful. Go into the bathroom and look into the mirror but, instead of just seeing your reflected image, see the image of what you will look like when you have achieved your dream. What kind of clothes are you wearing. Now take a whiff-what kind of cologne are you wearing. What does your house look like. Is that a 65 inch big screen TV that I see on the wall. Go out to the garage and look at your car. Do you see your old junker or are you now looking at that new Mercedes AMG. Go for a drive in your new car. Can you smell that new car smell. Do you hear that throaty sound of that massive V-12 engine. Feel the incredible acceleration and remember to keep an eye out for the police. They are jealous of you and your new car so watch your speed. Are you getting the picture? See the new you as if it has already happened. Walk like, talk like and act like the success that you are.

4. Don't quit. No matter how far away success may feel, remember that you can and will achieve it. The only people who fail are the quitters and the worst part of it is that they quit just before they were about to make the big breakthrough. Always remember and live by the creed that failure is not an option. Success is the only option for you.

5. Be abnormal. Please don't ever call me normal-that is the biggest insult that I could receive. Normal people settle for a life of mediocrity and mediocrity is my greatest fear. I am gladly taking the abnormal route-the route to limitless wealth and success and I am thankful for this because with all of my wealth and success I can do great good for mankind.

Five simple little steps but it will make the difference between a life of misery or a life filled with great wealth and accomplishment.

Benefits of Goal Setting and How to Guarantee Your Success

January 24, 2009

There are many benefits of goal setting. It has been found that the ability to effectively set goals throughout life is one of the most important skills that any of us can have. Based on recent studies conducting by professionals in mental health and behavioral science, it has been estimated that over 90% of the total population in the United States alone fails to effectively set goals and act upon them. This is actually a sad statistic considering that goals affect every part of who we are as individuals. The areas of our lives that are most affected by goals include our professional work, our finances, our relationships, our health, our time management, and more! Here, I will expound on some of the many benefits of goal setting.

We have all, at one time or another sat back and paid careful consideration to our lives. We all have aspirations, and intentions. We know that we can improve ourselves and the quality of our lives in one way or another. While many of us know that something has to be done, most of us do not know where to start. The very first step in optimizing who you are as a person and improving your life is to make a commitment to step goals. Naturally, the second step is to stay committed to the goals that you elect to set for yourself and your life in general.

The New Year is now upon us. The parties and celebrations are now over, and we are left to the list of resolutions that we have made. When we make resolutions for each year that we see, we are doing nothing more than setting goals for ourselves. While this is a step in the right direction, most individuals are not successful in experiencing the success that they would like to achieve because they are unable to follow through on the plans that they have set. Despite our knowing that there are many benefits to goal setting, most of us still have a tremendous issue in making sure that we do what is necessary to be successful in our goals.

The individual that is successful in setting goals experiences many different benefits. The following indicates the many advantages that may be experienced if you become successful in creating goals, and sticking to them:

1. It has been found that individuals who learn the secrets of goal setting and committing to those goals throughout completion will typically achieve more of the things that they want to, and perhaps some unexpected things in their lives making life more "full" in general.

2. People who successfully implement goals and work strategically to ensure that they meet their goals often experience more success in their performances throughout life.

3. Goals can be beneficial in creating a great deal of motivation in a person.

4. Those who set goals and are successful in meeting those goals are often the ones that are more satisfied with their work, and have higher levels of self-confidence.

5. Effective goal setting is beneficial in many because it creates a general "can do" attitude and results in higher levels of happiness throughout life.

If you know that you can do more with your life, but struggle with the means of acquisition, consider your goal setting skills. By learning to effectively set goals, you are taking the first step to a happy, more productive life that is fulfilling. Once you learn how to set goals, moving into the ability to commit to those goals and seeing them through to completion will enable you to experience the many benefits of goal setting, and the general success that you want!

Why You Should Set Goals

January 23, 2009

Many people don't set goals because they don't see the point. They don't understand how goals work and may even see goal setting as a waste of time and energy. Goals can be a very useful tool that can actually save you a lot of time and energy. Just like any other tool, you need to understand how goal setting works in order to use it to your advantage. By learning how to set realistic goals for yourself you can achieve many things that you otherwise might not have.

It might be helpful to think of your current situation and your desires as being on the same map. Goals allow you to make a straight line from where you are to where you want to be. Nobody is perfect and your line won't be perfectly straight. Every mistake you make creates a small detour on your straight line. If you don't have goals, your line will not be straight at all. You might curve to one direction and then to another, and likely you will never even reach your final destination.

Although learning how to set goals and following through with them can be hard work, setting and achieving goals can be an enjoyable, rewarding experience. Many people set goals to push themselves out of their comfort zones and to create new challenges which motivate them to succeed. If you are a swimmer, for instance, and everyday you swim 5x100 freestyle and then stop, you will probably get bored very quickly. Not only will you become bored mentally, but your body also gets bored of doing the same routine and stops responding. It's important to try new things and goals help you do that. To change your routine you could set goals to improve your time and speed. Or you could try going a longer distance or adding a new stroke. Any of these things could be done in the form of a goal.

It's important to understand that goals can be applied to almost every aspect of your life. By setting goals you not only maintain control over your life but you show other people that you are in control. You can set athletic goals or health and nutrition goals. When people write a business plan they are setting out a series of goals for their business. By showing this business plan to potential investors they are showing that they are in control of how their business will be operated and the steps they have set out so the business is successful.

Successful people are usually not successful by just being lucky. It's true; luck usually does play a role in success. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Michael Phelps did not become the athletes they are today on luck alone. They are all superior athletes because of hard work, dedication and, most likely, because they have mastered the art of setting goals for themselves. Being successful is about having a plan and sticking with it. Goals are the building blocks to whatever plan you create for yourself. If you are constantly assessing and revising your goals then you can feel confident knowing you are working to create the future you have always envisioned for yourself.

Four Reasons Why Motivation is Important

January 22, 2009

Everyone wants to be successful. But to be successful, there is an important thing you must have and that is motivation. Here are four reasons why motivation is important for success:

1. Motivation helps you get started.

Have you noticed the difference between working on something you like and working on something you don't like? I'm sure you can feel the difference. When you're motivated about something, you can work on it effortlessly. Nobody needs to force you to work. Nobody needs to tell you to move. In fact, you are waiting for the opportunity to work. Since getting started is perhaps the most difficult part of getting things done, being motivated is tremendously helpful for you.

2. Motivation helps you keep moving.

Getting started is one thing but keep moving is another thing. Whatever you do, there are always obstacles along the way that can hinder you from achieving success. If you don't have motivation, it's easy to get discouraged when you meet such obstacles. That's why motivation often makes the difference between winners and losers. Winners are those who can go through challenges and difficulties thanks to their motivation. Losers, on the other hand, are those who can't go through challenges and difficulties since they lack the necessary motivation.

3. Motivation makes you do more than necessary.

If you are motivated about something you will voluntarily do more about it than what is required from you. You will naturally go further and dig deeper than other people since you love to do it. While other people will only do what is necessary, you do more than that. In such situation, there is a good chance that you will be more successful than others.

4. Motivation makes the journey fun.

People who don't have motivation will think that the journey to success is long and difficult. Those who are motivated look at it differently. The journey is still long, but it's an enjoyable journey. Not only can they endure it, they actually have fun along the way. Of course, there are always times when things aren't good, but motivation enables you to endure such difficult times.


As you can see, motivation helps you in many different ways. It helps you get started, it helps you keep moving, it helps you do more than others, and it makes the journey fun. No wonder motivation plays an important role in your journey to success.

Achieve Your Goals - How to Engage Your Brain to Help You Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

January 21, 2009

Motivation is a key factor in any successful goal-setting plan. Achieving personal goals, self-improvement plans and life goals depend on our ability to maintain a sustained and consistent effort.

Research suggests that a powerful ally in the brain known as the neurotransmitter, dopamine can help. When we understand a bit of brain chemistry and consistently use some simple goal-setting techniques, we can put this knowledge to work for us.

Some Basic Concepts:

  • Dopamine plays a role in the part of the brain associated with pleasure and pain. When we eat or have a romantic encounter, for example, the brain feels rewarded and this chemical is released. We experience feelings of pleasure and improved mood.
  • When the brain feels cut off from a rewarding experience, production decreases and we feel anxious and fearful.

  • When you receive an unexpected reward or successfully pursue someone or something, dopamine levels rise. They stop rising when the goal is achieved.

  • When an expected reward is not received or you fail to realize your desired outcome, levels plummet.

  • Researchers believe that dopamine is involved in sending a signal to the parts of the brain responsible for establishing new behavior patterns. The brain wants you to learn and repeat behaviors it views as positive or rewarding. By making you feel good, your brain teaches you to repeat behaviors that created the feeling.

  • This sense of pleasure acts as a motivator that keeps us focused on our goals. The chemical continues to be released so long as we keep our attention on the goal and pursue it.

  • Researchers have found that when we set a goal, regardless of its size or expected delivery date, the brain takes possession of it as if it is already ours. When we act as if we already have what we are working towards, we reinforce this.

  • Once the brain claims ownership of the object of our desire, it can become an obsession. We crave the dopamine and the mood lift it brings. Your brain is now working powerfully to motivate you to pursue your goal.

  • The flip side of the coin is that this makes it more difficult when you wish to eliminate behaviors the brain views as rewarding. For example, nicotine and cocaine keep dopamine levels in the brain elevated. Your brain sees this as a reward and taught you to continue the behavior. It wants to avoid the anxiety and negative feelings associated with losing what it believes it already possesses.

How this understanding can work for you:
  • Choose something you truly desire and feel motivated to accomplish. In order for this to work, the goal must be important to you.

  • You must be willing to invest yourself in the process and have a reasonable expectation of achieving your desired outcome.

  • Give yourself a few weeks to adjust to changes. It's believed that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. If we were to apply our dopamine model to this, we could say it takes the brain some time to view your new behaviors as rewarding. Then it will release the chemical in response to the new behavior so you keep repeating it.

  • Break your big goal into small, achievable goals that require you to do some work. You may choose to set weekly or monthly objectives. This gives your brain several items to own instead of just one, increasing its investment in the process. It's also easier for your brain to adjust to smaller changes.

  • Have a daily to-do list. Do something every day to support your intentions. Include the little items. Cross them off as you complete them. Each item represents something for the brain to own and pursue. It then becomes a reward when crossed off. You can give yourself other rewards as well, so long as they don't sabotage your desired outcome. Determine the reward in advance so your brain can look forward to it. Also include a few spontaneous rewards.

  • Write your to-do list the night before to engage your brain before you even wake up in the morning. This is the part of the pursuit.

  • Evaluate your progress and make changes in your plan as needed. If you are asking too much of yourself, you will not view this as achievable and may experience anxiety or feel as though you failed. Likewise, be sure to stretch yourself a little so your brain experiences the thrill of the pursuit.

As you can see, these are powerful tips, that when used correctly, can help you achieve your goals. With the help of scientific research and a brain chemical known as dopamine, achieving your goal can be easier and you may just accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible.

How to Motivate Yourself - Success Strategies to Keep You on Track - All of the Time

January 20, 2009

Learning to stay motivated and on track can make the difference between your success and failure when you are pursuing a goal or dream. When you are highly motivated you find yourself doing whatever it takes to get the job done, despite any discomfort you may encounter. When your motivation is not so high you are apt to make excuses to yourself and others explaining why you can't succeed.

Your job is to discover ways to keep yourself motivated. You may find yourself motivated to take action toward your dreams by a dynamic public speaker or a well-written book, but that motivation is frequently short-lived. Without repeated exposure to the book or the speaker, your reasons for being motivated begin to fade into the background noise of your everyday life. You simply return to your comfort zone.

This is what many people do. They get a big burst of motivation and take some action, but they don't renew that motivation and it starts to slide and diminish. As the motivating factors become less and less important to you, you are less and less willing to put up with any discomfort or challenges. It becomes easier for you to give up.

When your motivation levels go up and down like this you will find it difficult to make consistent progress toward your dreams.

The only true, dependable form of motivation is motivation that comes from within - self motivation. You have to motivate yourself. You have to decide that your goal or dream is more important than whatever challenge or discomfort you are facing. You learn to act in spite of the challenges.

Here are a few tips to help you maintain that level of motivation.

  • Have a powerful why - Motivating yourself to take action is easy when you have a strong enough reason for reaching a goal. A burning desire to achieve something will cause you to take much different action than a wish or a hope will.
  • Keep you dream in sight - If you focus too intently on the steps between you and your dream you will find yourself getting sidetracked by perceived problems and challenges. Try to keep your eyes on the result that you want to create. This will make it easier for you to stay focused on the important things.
  • Focus on your dream throughout your day - tape reminders or pictures of your goal on your bathroom mirror or on your refrigerator. Carry a card with your goals written on it with you at all times. Get creative!

Keeping yourself motivated becomes easier the more you practice it and the more strongly you are attached to succeeding. You can learn to create change in any area of your life once you understand and apply these success strategies.

Achieving Success

January 14, 2009

Success: an event that accomplishes its intended purpose. That's a definition, but to me a very boring one. I brush my teeth every morning, which accomplishes its intended purpose. But do I feel that I have achieved success because of that? No, not really.

I perceive success as something much more than that; success should engender some emotion when achieved. Achieving success should make you want to jump off your seat, rush to tell somebody what you've done, make you feel elated, sometimes relieved if you've been pursuing that success for a long time. But, like many of the subjects in this web site, it is a very individual perception. What is success to one may be mundane to another. What is a minor achievement for one may be a major success to somebody else.

When you think about success, you think about relative achievements in your own world. Each element of your world, in which you wish to achieve success, is important to you, and there is no need to make comparisons with others in their worlds. You cannot affect the success of others; you can affect your own success. The Achieving Success section of this website will, I hope, help you to do just that.

Success is very much achievable to everybody. Believe that and you have taken the first step. If you do not believe in yourself, then tackling that self esteem is your first task. However, initial belief in your ability to achieve whatever it is you want to succeed in, is an essential if you are not to be hampered by self doubt throughout your journey to success.

There are many things that will affect your ability to succeed, and it is those under your immediate control that it is best to focus on. Once you do that, then the characteristics you develop can be applied to becoming successful in a range of activities and pursuits.

What is important to you is that you, as you start to reach milestones in your ambitions, you appreciate your own achievements. It is a boost, of course, if others appreciate what you have done too, but appreciating yourself will strengthen your self belief, and reinforce your determination to succeed.

Some of the key characteristics you will find in those who are successful are perseverance, prepared to research, plan and work hard, practice a lot even when things do not seem to be going well, and an ability to recover and learn from setbacks. At the outset of whatever it is you are try to succeed in, a strong vision of your future, planning, and setting yourself achievable targets can all play an important role.

If you feel you do not naturally have all those characteristics, then do not despair. Each of them can be accomplished by your own application. You can use meditation and visualization techniques to initiate your vision, and they can certainly be learnt both for that purpose and for each step you take to reach your goals. Setting goals and objectives can be a personal or business technique that can be learnt. You can develop inner strength to succeed if you apply yourself to doing just that; that will enable you to recover from setbacks more easily.

All these attributes, skills and characteristics can be learnt developed. But it is up to you to get things started. Those who do not start travel nowhere. For others, life can be a continuous journey of fulfillment.

Self-improvement statistics guide in decision-making.

January 11, 2009

Statistics shows that about 75% of the people working today are unhappy with their current jobs. One reason is that their talents are wasted because it is not applicable for their current jobs.

That’s just one problem. You might have unreasonable demands placed upon you. You have to work really long hours to get anywhere. The paths to promotion may be blocked. You can’t get to where you want to be because of the view that people have of you, your experience, or your performance in the job.

Maybe a little self-improvement will help you out with that problem. You should know how to appreciate your job if you want to succeed in life.

If you are always late to your job, maybe it will become the reason for your termination. Why don’t you try to wake up early or if you’re always experiencing traffic, try to find other route. Self-improvement of your habits will help you succeed.

There might be criticism leveled against you that isn’t just. There could be too much politics or backstabbing, you have to grease the right palms to get ahead. The job may just not be what you expected. You were promised one thing, but it turned into something else.

One thing that you should do about backstabbing is always retain your temper at the right level. Don’t try to argue with your officemates of it will be another reason for firing you.

You have to get to the root of what is causing your unhappiness about where you are and what you’re currently doing. The easiest way is The Five Whys. Ask, “Why?” five times.

“Oh, I’m not happy.” Well, why? “Because I got passed for a promotion.” Why was that? “Because they didn’t value the project I was working on.” Why not? “Because management changed and they changed the objectives.” Well, why was that? You really sort of drill down to the root cause and find out what the problem really is.

Once you decide that you need a change - that's where the real fun begins. How to go about finding a new job or change careers completely.

There’s another way of looking at, the Top Ten Signs That You Need a New Job. It’s a bit like a Letterman Top Ten. They’re a bit tongue-in-cheek, but there’s a bit of truth in all of them.

10: You’re outgo exceeds your income. You just need more money.

9: The most rewarding thing you did this week was sharpen all 12 of your pencils to the same length.

8: You’re reluctant to be a Career Day speaker at your kid’s fourth grade class.

7: Everyone in your workgroup got a raise except you.

5: You were late for work three times this week, but you don’t care.

4: There’s a meeting at 3:00 to talk about the upcoming reorganization, but you’re not invited.

3: Your boss keeps forgetting your name.

2: You constantly daydream about being a forest ranger.

1: Your company was recently acquired and you spent two weeks worry that you’d be laid off. After that, you worried that you wouldn’t be.

Remember, finding a new job nowadays is really hard. So, before you decided to look for another job, always resolve your problems with your current job. Self-improvement will really help you in that.

"Life With Woody" 10 inspirational quotes than can improve yourself

January 07, 2009

It might take a little coffee or probably a few rounds of beer or any other booze you could get your hands on when it comes to relaxing after a hard day's work. Well, yeah I'm guilty about that one as well, unless I'm caught dead wearing a lampshade over my head after a few rounds of vodka… half-naked! Okay, bad example and I apologize to everyone reading this after getting nightmares about me in that state of drunken stupor.

Just don't ask how it happened, please.

But what's really interesting is that how do people go through the usual part of life when faced with vein-popping stress? I mean, the new age thing like Zen or yoga is one of the good things and it actually works. Is there room for the intellectual side of people who can actually smell the roses-in-a-can while on the move? It kind of had me thinking that there really must be something in this 'mind-over-matter' thing.

Humor is indeed the best medicine there is whenever you are. I mean anyone can pay good money to listen to a comedian just to make you wet your pants after laughing so hard. Despite of what's been happening, and to those who has gone though the ordeal, it's better to just laugh while facing the troubles with a clear mind than anger with a clouded vision. One of my favorite celebrities of all time may have to be Woody Allen. Now this is one guy who gives you the in-your-face bluntness that he pulls out with gusto, even without even trying. You can talk just about anything with a man, and he's bound to mock the subject and you'll end up laughing rather than being upset about it.

Woody Allen has this to say:

1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality of all things does involve money but it doesn't have to take an arm and a leg to get it.

2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government." 'Nuff said.

3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?" This happens to be one of the classic ones. I mean the issue about life's little problems isn't all that bad, until 'he' shows up.

Sure, relationships can get complicated, or does have its complications that probably any author about relationships is bound to discover it soon. We follow what our heart desires, unless you're talking about the heart as in the heart that pump blood throughout your body.

4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." And if you want more, just keep on asking!

5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'." It sounds, 'practical', I think.

And when it comes to everyday life, he really knows how to make the best out of every possible scenario, and it doesn't involve a lawsuit if he strikes a nerve.

6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." I never had a boat in my bathtub before. Just staring at it while soaking in hot water makes me seasick already.

7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." If it rains, it pours.

8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." It could get worse when you're guzzling on beer… or mouthwash, and it happened to me once!

9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." At least he doesn't smite us with lightning, and I'm thankful for that.

And despite of what may happen to all of us in the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I guess we all have to see things in a different kind of light and not just perspective. I can't seem to imagine life without any piece of wisdom that could guide us. Whether we're religious or not, it takes more courage to accept your fears and learn how to deal with them is all that matters when it comes to even just getting along.

And to sum things up, here is the last nugget of wisdom to go by… however, whenever, and wherever we may be.

10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."


"Have One Week, Will Relax" Your 7 days program to Stress management

January 04, 2009

They say there's more than one way to skin a cat. The same goes when you start tearing your hair out with all the frustration, grief, anxiety, and yes, stress. It's a state of mental conditioning that is like taking that bitter pill down your throat, causing you to lose your sense of self, and worse your sanity. Just thinking about it can drive anyone off the edge.

And they say that the proactive ones are already living off the edge.

As one stressed-out person to another, I know how it feels, and believe me there are many variants when it comes to stress. Coping with life, and carrying the problems that may or may not belong to you can scratch away the little joy and happiness that you can carry once you head out that door. You can't blame them for being like that; they have their own reasons, so much like we have our reasons to allow stress to weigh us down. They say that stress is all in the mind, well, what's bugging you anyway?

There are several ways to manage stress, and eventually remove it out of your life one of these days. So I'll try to divide it into a seven-day course for you and I promise it's not going to be too taxing on the body, as well as on the mind.

1. Acknowledge stress is good
Make stress your friend! Based on the body's natural "fight or flight" response, that burst of energy will enhance your performance at the right moment. I've yet to see a top sportsman totally relaxed before a big competition. Use stress wisely to push yourself that little bit harder when it counts most.

2. Avoid stress sneezers
Stressed people sneeze stress germs indiscriminately and before you know it, you are infected too!

Protect yourself by recognizing stress in others and limiting your contact with them. Or if you've got the inclination, play stress doctor and teach them how to better manage themselves.

3. Learn from the best
When people around are losing their head, who keeps calm? What are they doing differently? What is their attitude? What language do they use? Are they trained and experienced?
Figure it out from afar or sit them down for a chat. Learn from the best stress managers and copy what they do.

4. Practice socially acceptable heavy breathing
This is something I've learned from a gym instructor: You can trick your body into relaxing by using heavy breathing. Breathe in slowly for a count of 7 then breathe out for a count of 11. Repeat the 7-11 breathing until your heart rate slows down, your sweaty palms dry off and things start to feel more normal.

5. Give stressy thoughts the red light
It is possible to tangle yourself up in a stress knot all by yourself. "If this happens, then that might happen and then we're all up the creek!" Most of these things never happen, so why waste all that energy worrying needlessly?

Give stress thought-trains the red light and stop them in their tracks. Okay so it might go wrong - how likely is that, and what can you do to prevent it?

6. Know your trigger points and hot spots
Presentations, interviews, meetings, giving difficult feedback, tight deadlines…. My heart rate is cranking up just writing these down!

Make your own list of stress trigger points or hot spots. Be specific. Is it only presentations to a certain audience that get you worked up? Does one project cause more stress than another? Did you drink too much coffee?

Knowing what causes you stress is powerful information, as you can take action to make it less stressful. Do you need to learn some new skills? Do you need extra resources? Do you need to switch to decaf?

7. Burn the candle at one end
Lack of sleep, poor diet and no exercise wreaks havoc on our body and mind. Kind of obvious, but worth mentioning as it's often ignored as a stress management technique. Listen to your mother and don't burn the candle at both ends!

So having stress can be a total drag, but that should not hinder us to find the inner peace of mind that we have wanted for a long time. In any case, one could always go to the Bahamas and bask under the summer sun.

Learn to Solve Your Problems

January 03, 2009

How much percentage in a class of 30 students would agree to you that Mathematics is a great subject? You might answer “around 10 to 35%” and that is all. True, most kids today are not thrilled to solve Mathematical equations not because they do not know the processes involved, but because of the lack of interest in it.

In a similar way, our daily activities do not mean 100% joy and 0% problems. At times, we have more problems than joy. Fortunately, some individual are skilled in handling problems right. Want to know their secrets?

Well, carefree people, as some might call them, have one thing in common: optimism. These kinds of people do not mean they never had problems before. Try remembering a colleague, a relative, a friend, or someone from your community who has the brightest smile at the start until the end of the day. How many times did you see that person frown? Carefree people are fun to be with because their attitude is contagious. Have you tried asking them how they carry their problems lightly? Below are their secrets:

1. Learn to control your feelings by separating negative feelings from positive thoughts. This is the first step in solving problems. Only after you have cleared your mind with unnecessary thoughts can you start solving your problems accordingly.

2. Treat each problem as challenge and opportunity for self-improvement.

3. Free that scapegoat attitude. Are you pointing your finger or blaming others for mishaps? Take responsibilities for your mistakes. No one is perfect, so never put the blames on others.

4. Use a pen and paper, and rate the depth of the problem and possible answers to your problem. Probability law principle will allow you to evaluate how far you have thought of resolving your problems.

5. Keep a journal and treat it as a “secret friend” who is always willing to listen to your grievances. Write your feelings freely.

6. Develop a noteworthy hobby, for this will help you lessen or minimize stress in your life.

7. Take time off from work and create variations of your daily schedule. Relax and check out the best movies in town. Travel and meet new wonderful people. You will find these activities worthwhile in the long run.

The above tips will help you optimize those positive feelings of yours. Say you are already consumed by some problems. Here are the 1-2-3 steps in doing your problem solving:

1. Determine the root cause of the problem. If you think it is difficult, ask hundreds of why’s and what’s and you will soon find out the cause.

2. Think, strategize, and act for resolution.

3. Develop a strong desire to solve the problem.

4. Review the situation for you to avoid repeating the same mistakes committed beforehand.

Consider that everybody experiences lowliness many times, but problems are problems. They are there not to annoy you; but problems are created when you cannot accept your limitations. Once you accept your limitations, problem solving is just a 1-2-3 step, hassle-free, and a life-sharpening experience indeed. Hence, never consume or lock yourself in your room when problem strikes. Think that problems are states of your being limited to something you need the most. But if you cannot have that important thing, accept it. Let go and you will free yourself with worries. Remember, less worries mean less problems. If you think that you really want some time out because of problems, consider that there is another room available for you called “improvement.”